Please format as XXX-XXX-XXXX.


Mailing Address (where the completed document should be mailed):


Please select the type of letter you are requesting.

Birthday (for individuals turning 80 or older)

Honoree Address (to be included on the letter):

Church/Organization Anniversary

(ex. Dr., Ms., Mr., Rev., etc.)

Church/Organization Address (to be included on the letter):

(Example: 140th anniversary of organization’s founding)

Eagle Scout/Gold Award

Honoree Address (to be included on the letter):

You must provide information that describes how the honoree qualifies for this award. If this information is not provided, your request will not be processed.

Family Reunion

Example: 30th Annual

High School Reunion

Example: 50th Class Reunion

Wedding Anniversary (for 25 years or more)

Couple’s Address (to be included on the letter):

(Example: 30th)

Welcome Message (for conferences, meetings, banquets, etc.)

(ex. Dr., Ms., Mr., Rev., etc.)

Organization/Agency Address (to be included on the letter):

(Example: 30th Annual Meeting of the Organization of North Carolina – North Carolina: The State Where We Live)

Correspondence to and from this website may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official.